2022 Baking with a Sourdough Starter
Saturday, September 17th at 1:00 PM If you are interested in baking with sourdough but not sure where to start, this class is for you.
Saturday, September 17th at 1:00 PM If you are interested in baking with sourdough but not sure where to start, this class is for you.
If you are a vendor, click here to download the application form, or stop by the library for a copy.
Saturday, July 9th Starting at 12:30 PM $10/car Are you going to the Groton side of the Thames to watch the fireworks? Park with us
For ages 11 to adults Tuesday, July 26, 6 PM Learn how to create a beaded bracelet with experienced beader and Bill Memorial staff member,
Walk in Colonel Ledyard’s Footsteps! TUESDAY, JULY 12th at 10:00 AM Rain date: Thursday, July 14th at 10 AM Summer readers of all ages are
The book sale that was originally scheduled for this coming Saturday, June 11 has been POSTPONED. Keep an eye on FB and posts here to
Join us beyond the beaten path this summer beginning June 28! The passport lists 13 properties in and around Groton that are easy to
Tuesday, June 21st @ 6:30 PM ADULTS!! Join with others around the globe & CELEBRATE MAKE MUSIC DAY WITH US! Why should the kids have
From April 28th to August 17th, you can download FREE YA title audiobooks through Overdrive’s Sora App. These books are only available to download to