2024 June Kids’ Cooking Class (Grades 3-5)
Attention, junior chefs in grades 3-5! June 27th at 4 PM Join Instructor Erica Benvenuti, RD, a community nutrition program educator with the UConn Expanded
Attention, junior chefs in grades 3-5! June 27th at 4 PM Join Instructor Erica Benvenuti, RD, a community nutrition program educator with the UConn Expanded
Join us for summer Storytime weekly on Mondays at 10 AM from June 17 through August 26th! Geared towards birth to age 5, but open
Greetings, Padawan and Jedi Masters! Saturday, May 4th Materials available while supplies last.
Kids, join us to play in the dirt and create something beautiful for someone beautiful in your life! Saturday, May 11th from 11-1 No registration
Kids in Grades 3 – 5, make soup and a veggie wrap with Registered Dietician Erica Benvenuti on Thursday, April 25th at 4 PM Space
Kids, come meet some cute critters! On Thursday, April 11, from 12:30 – 1:30 pm, drop by to make a craft and visit with with
Our Spring Seed Giveaway has concluded. Happy growing! Think spring and stop by for some seeds to grow your own garden! Limit of 3 packets
Join us on Tuesdays at 10 AM from March 26th to May 14th for Music and Movement! We’ll have you and your little one moving
Join us for spring Storytime weekly on Mondays at 10 AM from March 25th through May 13th. Open to all ages and their caregiver! No