2024 Girls Who Code Kickoff!
Are you interested in computers? Do you want to learn a new skill? Join us for the Girls Who Code Kick-off on Tuesday, October 15th,
Are you interested in computers? Do you want to learn a new skill? Join us for the Girls Who Code Kick-off on Tuesday, October 15th,
Bill Memorial Library rocks! Teens in grades 6-12, come make some diamond art on Thursday, September 19th at 6:00 PM. Diamond painting is an art
Students going into grades 6-12, Come learn to make delicious Oreo truffles and swirl chocolate on top to make a marbled planet look! Thursday, August
Students going into grades 6-12, paint along and learn how to create a starry-themed painting. Thursday, July 25th @ 5:30PM ***Note the different time for
Students going into grades 6-12, come play Werewolf and try to figure out who the werewolves are…before it’s too late. Thursday, July 18th @ 6PM
Children and teens going into grades 3-7, join the Society of Women Engineers on Thursday, July 18 at 4:00 PM Design, build, and test a
Students going into grades 6-12, join presenter Geoff McLean, a NASA Solar System Ambassador, in a presentation on humanity’s search for life on other planets.
All ages are invited to submit a limerick (or several) for a chance to win a Paul’s Pasta gift card! Challenge runs until July 31st.
Students going into grades 6-12, kick off the summer with a game of word association and pizza from Pizza Today! Thursday, June 27th @ 6PM