Clancy's Corner
Woof! I mean, Hi!

My name is Clancy, and I am a library dog.
My job is to guard the library grounds. My house is right next door to the library, so the library is my property, too.
I am a Great Pyrenees dog, and my ancestors guarded livestock (sheep, goats, and chickens) by walking around the perimeter of the farm and detecting any predators that could harm the farm. I do that with the library property. My sworn enemies are the big turkey vultures that fly to the roof of the library where I can’t reach them. I will circle the library and bark bark bark until they fly away. Sometimes I even growl at them, which scares some library patrons. But they shouldn’t worry—I love people, especially children, and would never hurt them.

I am a rescue dog. I started my life in Georgia, but for some reason I was up for adoption. This nice man adopted me and I made the journey north to Connecticut. I like to work and I have the perfect job for me. I have a thick coat, so I like cold weather the best and love to sit in the snow. Summer is very hot for me—good thing the library has air-conditioning!
The National Pyr Rescue is a great place to find a dog like me!

This is my library
My owner is on the Board of Trustees at the library, so I am there a lot. I don’t like it when he goes in and leaves me outside—I will scratch at the door of the library until I’m let in. I have even jumped onto the flat part of the roof because my owner was there! I don’t like to be separated from him for too long.

Here is a picture of me with the mayor and the police chief
The police officers in my city like to take me for rides. I love rides.
What I don’t like are diesel trucks and any loud vehicles. When the street sweepers come, I run in circles in my yard next to the road, barking barking barking and spinning spinning spinning. I am quite a sight!
The garbage collectors are okay, though, because even though their garbage truck is loud, they give me treats, which makes it okay.

Me, with my library card
I also get treats in the library, along with any dogs that come in and the owners say it’s okay.
My library is dog-friendly.

Mutt Mitts
We even have a new Mutt Mitt dispenser for courteous dog walkers to use!
Since the library lawn is a big open space, lots of people come there to walk their dogs, so I have lots of friends. My best friend is Ginny, a yellow lab mix. She gets very jealous when other people want to pet me. She’s still learning her manners.
The library staff has lots of ideas for me—they want me to sit so that children can read to me, or put antlers on me for their Santa program—like I’m a reindeer.
But really I am best at guarding the library.

Making a new friend
I made a new friend! This is Lulu. Her person is Larry Grundy, who helps to keep the library grounds a dog's (and people's) paradise.

I'm a volunteer
In my free time, I like to visit other places and make people happy.
I'm a member of the UCONN Avery Point dog therapy program for students at exam time. I wander around campus, getting ear scritches and relieving stress.
I love to volunteer at Fairview Retirement Community and Rehabilitation Center. I even have my own official volunteer badge!

Thanks for hearing my story. I hope someday you can give me scritches behind my ears—that’s what I like best.

The Library Dog