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National Social Assistance
We try to keep everything updated, but ask you to please contact the assistance organization to confirm information.

The Emergency Broadband Benefit is now the Affordable Connectivity Program. For more information, or to apply, visit
Connecticut State Resources
No-Cost Meals for All Kids, All Summer
The CT Summer Meals Program is federally funded by the USDA and state-administered by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE). The program provides free, nutritious meals to kids during summer break. Summer Meals meet federal nutrition guidelines and are composed of milk, fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat or another protein. Summer Meals are offered at over 400 sites around the state from June to late August, serving combinations of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Meals are free to any child age 18-and-under, no questions asked. For a meal site locator map, visit the EHC page here.
283 Stoddards Wharf Road, Gales Ferry, CT 06335
(860) 464-7281
United Way of Connecticut’s motto is “Helping meet the needs of Connecticut residents.” They do so in a variety of ways, helping people to find and access health and human services, from food and other basic needs to crisis prevention to child care.
Visit their website here to learn more, or call 2-1-1.
They made a video about their 211 Childcare program that you can watch here.
Follow this link for a calendar of events and information on where to find food, where to turn for help if you’re between jobs (everything from health care, to consumer credit counseling, to rental information), and volunteer and engagement opportunities.
Local Social Service Assistance and Information
We try to keep everything updated, but ask you to please contact the assistance organization to confirm information.
Groton Social Services’ Lists of Resources for Children and Families; Veterans; and Seniors, Disabled Persons, and Others
Community & Social Service Departments and Organizations
TVCCA Cares – Thames Valley Council for Community Action, Inc.
38 Central Avenue, Groton, CT 06340
(860) 889-1365
“Improving the overall well being of individuals and families in need…”
Services include, among other things, SNAP benefits assistance:
SNAP is not limited to children with families. Eligibility is based primarily on income and citizenship/residency requirements. Income tables can be found here. For assistance completing the application, contact Heather Laidlaw at the number above for help over the phone at (860) 425-6647.
Groton Department of Human Services
2 Fort Hill Road, Groton, CT 06340
(860) 441-6760
Office hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Groton Social Services (GSS) offers the following services:
- Assistance to Seniors
- Housing Assistance
- Food Assistance
- Energy Assistance
- Financial Assistance
- Outreach Programs
Groton Youth and Family Services
2 Fort Hill Road, Groton, CT 06340
(860) 441-6760
Intervention Services include:
- Short term counseling
- Preliminary screening for depression, suicide, sexual/physical abuse, ADD/ADHD
- Information and Referral
2 Fort Hill Road, Groton, CT 06340
(860) 441-6760
Open weekdays, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
The Groton Family Support Center (GFSC) offers the following services:
- One to One Parent Education
- Counseling
- Case Management
- Support Groups
- Information and Referral
- Home Visits
- Parent Education Classes
770 Poquonnock Road, Groton, CT 06340
(860) 445-1596
Town of Groton Housing Authority manages two moderate income elderly and disabled housing complexes, Pequot Village and Grasso Gardens, which are part of CHFA’s (Connecticut Housing Finance Authority) housing portfolio. Visit their website for more information and to apply.
Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut
914 Hartford Turnpike, Waterford, CT 06385
(860) 701-9113 or (866) 274-5587
Check out their website for a calendar of events, a relocation guide, and more! Also view their publication, the Community Guide.
Local Area Shelters
We try to keep everything updated, but ask you to please contact the assistance organization to confirm information.
New London Homeless Hospitality Center
325 Huntington Street, New London, CT 06320
(860) 439-1573
The New London Homeless Hospitality Center includes an overnight shelter and a Day Shelter with 40 beds, with an additional 7-bed Respite area to care for those facing health crises.
42 Jay Street, New London, CT 06320
(860) 443-0537
Covenant Shelter of New London is a 35-bed emergency residential shelter which serves up to 14 single men and families with children. Covenant provides meals and case management services to assist individuals and families acquire safe, stable housing.
56 Spruce Street, Westerly, RI 02891
(401) 596-9276
The WARM Shelter is a 19-bed facility designed to help homeless men and women. The WARM Shelter’s men’s dormitory has 12 beds and one small single room for the dorm manager. The WARM Shelter’s Women’s Dormitory provides a safe and warm environment for 6 women with a separate bathroom with a washer and dryer in it for their use. While staying at the Shelter residents must remain alcohol and drug free, follow house rules, meet with their peers and staff at a weekly meeting and submit to random alcohol/drug testing.
In addition to the 19-bed short-term shelter, WARM provides five additional separate, individual rooms of long-term transitional housing. This program, known as WARM-Up, occupies the same building – but not the same floor – as the shelter. Participants in this program may stay up to two years. They must work or volunteer full-time, pay a portion of their income in rent, remain alcohol and drug free, follow house rules, meet with their peers and staff at a weekly meeting and submit to random alcohol/drug testing.
Bethsaida Community, Inc. (no website)
PO Box 913, Norwich, CT 06360
(860) 886-7511
The Mission of Bethsaida Community is to create a hope, a home, a family for homeless or at risk women. Their programs provide a supportive environment that promotes healing, personal growth, and self-sufficiency with the expectation of participation in employment and supportive services. Bethsaida provides Recovery Housing for its transitional, permanent, and low income housing. All programs are voluntary – clients who come to Bethsaida have chosen to focus on their recovery from substance use disorders, and previous trauma.
Local Area Food Resources
We try to keep everything updated, but ask you to please contact the assistance organization to confirm information.
Groton Senior Center
102 Newtown Road. Groton, CT 06340
(860) 4421-6785
Everyone is welcome for Free Monday Dinners from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m (Note: Meals are not served on (Monday) Federal holidays. Rides to meals are available via the Sr. Ctr. Van (Call 860-441-6785, $2.00 p/ride.)
New London Community Meal Center (Dine)
12 Montauk Ave. New London, CT 06320
(860) 444-7745
The organization currently provides lunch five days per week and dinner six days per week, including a Saturday dinner served by a local church.
Christ United Methodist Church
200 Hazelnut Hill Road, Groton, CT 06340
(860) 445-0088
The Christ United Methodist Church hosts a free community breakfast on the second Saturday of each month from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
TVCCA, (860) 934–1001 or (860) 886-1720
Nutritious meals delivered to homebound persons, age 60 or older.
Food Pantries
We try to keep everything updated, but ask you to please contact the assistance organization to confirm information.
United Way Mobile Food Pantry (Several Sites)
(please bring your photo ID and your own bags)
- Groton Human Services, 2 Fort Hill Road, Groton, CT 06340
2nd Wednesday of each month, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. - St. John’s Christian Church, 346 Shennecosset Road, Groton, CT 06340
4th Friday of each month, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. - Jennings School, 50 Mercer Street, New London, CT 06320
4th Wednesday of each month, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Please contact United Way for additional sites in the area.
Phone: (860) 464-3327.
Groton Food Locker
Located at Groton Human Services, 2 Fort Hill Road, Groton, CT
Please call (860) 441-6760, if you are out of food and are experiencing a food emergency.
Salvation Army of New London
11 Governor Winthrop Blvd., New London, CT
(860) 443-6409
Food Pantry available to eligible individuals. Please call to make appointment.
Groton Social Services’ List of Food Resources